65 X 51 X 6in
Pigmented wax, acrylic, fabrics, wood, wire
Solo Exhibition at Myrtle Beach Art Museum

Solo Museum Exhibition at Myrtle Beach Art Museum in SC
September 7, 2021 - December 19, 2021

50 X 65 x 6in
Fabric, wire, acrylic, birch archival panel

Fabrics, wire, acrylic, birch panel
51 X 38 X 6in (each)

38 X 26 X 4 in
Pigmented wax, fabric, wire, on birch panel
Impression 2018
90in X 55in X7in
Pigmented Wax, Fabric, Wood, Thread

51 X 51 X 16 in
Vanna’s Choice yarn by Lion yarns, fabrics, acrylic, wire, hula hoop

In Impression, Baird paints fabrics using the Encaustic Monotype process, an early form of painting discovered in ancient Egyptian tombs, and nods to the history and process of painting by taking ownership over each of the elements of a gallery painting—wood, fabric, and paint. This technique is evidenced in Baird’s work where she used stretcher bars as brushstrokes in the composition to move beyond the square.

46 X 65 X 4in
Aluminum, fabric, pigmented wax, wood, paper, wire
Between 2017
Pigmented Wax, Fabric, Wire, Wood, Canvas
30in X 24in X 10.5in

Fabrics, pigmented wax, wire, wood
18 X 23.5 X 4 in.

65 X 51 X 6in
Pigmented wax, acrylic, fabrics, wood, wire
Solo Exhibition at Myrtle Beach Art Museum
Solo Museum Exhibition at Myrtle Beach Art Museum in SC
September 7, 2021 - December 19, 2021
50 X 65 x 6in
Fabric, wire, acrylic, birch archival panel
Fabrics, wire, acrylic, birch panel
51 X 38 X 6in (each)
38 X 26 X 4 in
Pigmented wax, fabric, wire, on birch panel
Impression 2018
90in X 55in X7in
Pigmented Wax, Fabric, Wood, Thread
51 X 51 X 16 in
Vanna’s Choice yarn by Lion yarns, fabrics, acrylic, wire, hula hoop
In Impression, Baird paints fabrics using the Encaustic Monotype process, an early form of painting discovered in ancient Egyptian tombs, and nods to the history and process of painting by taking ownership over each of the elements of a gallery painting—wood, fabric, and paint. This technique is evidenced in Baird’s work where she used stretcher bars as brushstrokes in the composition to move beyond the square.
46 X 65 X 4in
Aluminum, fabric, pigmented wax, wood, paper, wire
Between 2017
Pigmented Wax, Fabric, Wire, Wood, Canvas
30in X 24in X 10.5in
Fabrics, pigmented wax, wire, wood
18 X 23.5 X 4 in.